Taking part in J.D.’s Leadership course was probably the most enthralling experience I had ever had in a classroom environment. More than anything, it taught me that ‘leadership’ is not a type of behavior that you master, but a quality that comes into play only after you realize and appreciate your innate value. I recommend this course to anyone who has been lucky enough to be presented the opportunity. I look forward to applying the lessons of human interactions in my everyday life. Thanks for a great class J.D.!
La formation sur la logique humaine avec Sophie Rodriguez m’a été et m’est encore vraiment très utile. Elle m’a permis en tant que manager dans la communication de pouvoir mieux comprendre le schéma de pensée de mes collègues pour mieux formuler mes questions en fonction de ce dernier et non en fonction de moi. Adapter son discours pour qu’il soit compris est la brique fondamentale de la communication. La formation de la logique humaine permet de mieux formuler, mais aussi mieux analyser les typologies de collègues à qui vous avez à faire. Pour moi ma plus grande découverte a été d’avoir, grâce à Sophie, des clés pour m’adresser aux analytiques comprendre leur fonctionnement et mieux pouvoir travailler avec ces personnes que je jugeais autrefois comme lentes, ne comprenant pas ou ayant toujours un train de retard. Cette formation n’est pas « comment manipuler les gens » mais comment communiquer avec eux, avec leur langage
The collaboration with Nadine in a complex restructuring project can be summed up in three words: goal-oriented - empathetic - structured. She has an open ear and can turn complex chaos into structure and meaning. Her expertise and ability to be a mental support were very helpful, and our collaboration was characterized by trust and high-quality output. Leading a team through a change and transformation process is a task where Nadine has successfully supported and guided me. In summary: Nadine, you rock!
Há alguns anos realizei o treinamento Human Logic facilitado pela Imke Odendahl, juntamente com o time comercial. A aprendizagem recebida teve - e tem - reflexos no meu autoconhecimento e nas minhas relações interpessoais (profissionais ou não). Acredito que este momento foi meu primeiro insight sobre a importância de construirmos equipes com diferentes personalidades e backgrounds, se quisermos desenvolver empresas realmente inovadoras, criativas, de alta performance e com pensamento e atuação sistêmicos. A condução e devolutiva da Imke foram de grande sensibilidade, sem perder a objetividade e clareza. Recomendo muito o treinamento e penso, inclusive, que deveria ser realizado periodicamente para acompanhamento das evoluções.
Jan Dirk is an extremely powerful thought author, management consultant and executive coach who is able to act effectively in a variety of circumstances, including force majeure. I am grateful for the contribution of wise thoughts for the readers of my book "Management in Times of War."
The Human Logic leadership development sessions definitely made me realize that if you don’t understand yourself, you cannot adequately lead others. J.D. made us aware of our true strengths and pitfalls and how they relate to our deeper self. This program has been instrumental in my own personal development as well as the development of all other participants. I can only recommend that others do the same.
La formation Logique Humaine a été une formation très intéressante car étant manager d’une équipe de 10 personnes, j’ai beaucoup de profils différents, et grâce à cette formation je me suis rendu compte que je passais des consignes et réglais les conflits en communiquant de la même façon pour tout le monde. Après avoir fait cette formation j’ai une communication plus fluide avec mes différents collaborateurs, mais aussi avec les autres services et cela me sert aussi dans la vie privée. En tous cas cette formation, et sa formatrice Sophie Rodriguez, sont exceptionnel et pour moi cette formation devrait être obligatoire pour tous les nouveaux manager.
J.D. is a great teacher and very impressive person to deal with. His soft skills are amazing! During the classes at the ‘Leadership & Human Logic’ course at kmbs, J.D. has managed to involve any student into live discussion, and has shared with the students his wisdom and years of leadership & behavioral experience. I really enjoyed J.D.’s classes, and I recommend J.D. for his professional approach and for the gift of sharing his knowledge with the very simple words which reflected in my brains and heart.
J.D. is an extraordinary personality. Working with him is always extremely inspiring and personally very valuable. Thanks to his help, I was able to form a real team from a newly assembled crew in several workshops within a very short time. J.D. draws on a solid theoretical knowledge of behavioral styles and thus stands out pleasantly from many popular scientific works on this topic. He does not leave the participants alone with their insights about their own personality, but strives to develop a common understanding of the different characters and their individual needs in the context of the seminar. This increases the impact on the group enormously and leads to real understanding, also in the later practice in the company. Through his personal empathy, he manages to give each participant something to take with them – sometimes this can be a nut to crack. J.D. has also given me important impulses in my personal development. I am very grateful that I was privileged to work with him.
Thank you, Nadine, for all your activities and support that you have provided to us at DMK Group. In global projects that are complex both in content and emotionally (restructuring, change, integration, reorganization), we greatly appreciated your expertise. You know how to structure projects and follow through thoroughly. You have succeeded in bringing various stakeholders together and achieving constructive results while keeping track of them. Leading an internal international team as an external consultant, aligning with goals, and inspiring multiple stakeholders for opportunities comes easily to you. It has been a lot of fun, and I can envision working together again at any time. Thank you once again for everything you have done at DMK Group!
I have had the pleasure of working together with J.D. for a period of several years as a client. During this period of very intense collaboration "Advance! Business Consulting" designed and facilitated our global Management Development training program, as well as our Sales Academy and KCM approach and co-designed and co-facilitated our global Marketing in Action training program as well as many other workshops on interpersonal communication and ad hoc training and communication actions to support our business. I have always admired J.D.s knowledge and professionalism as a Trainer and business coach and his tremendous facilitation skills. He is a fantastic trainer, organizer and driver of initiatives that transmits energy and optimism. He helped us immensely to develop a people centered and entrepreneurial business culture and to create focus, skill and pride in the sales team which translated to business results. I fully recommend JD as a business partner, trainer, coach and consultant.
If you ever find yourself in a position of needing help, call J.D.! Sometimes we struggle with the way our team works, our customers perceive us, we interact within a company… J.D. has been and is a great coach to me and helped me significantly in dealing with adverse issues; he mobilized internal communication by explaining how we are different and need varying approaches through his Human Logic program as well as lifted the sales team to consultative sales professionals while also giving input into projects like CRM, etc. Again, if you need help, call him!
Jan Dirk is a great teacher. I was always amazed by the amount of time and effort he puts into preparation of his classes. He is attentive to every participant and every detail. This is the highest level of TEACHING, (not just transferring information from the notes of a speaker onto the notes of a student) I have seen in the world. Jan Dirk really gets into brains and hearts of everybody in the classroom, because he fully commits his brain and heart to it.
From the start of the “Leadership & Human Logic” class, J.D. used the impressive diversity of our mostly Peking University international and exchange MBA student class to make our discussions interesting and fun. By sharing his own academic research and previous consulting experiences, J.D. was able to spark some excellent debates about leadership and management. Throughout his highly interactive class, J.D. ensured that each student received constant feedback on his or her leadership style and behavior in group situations. Personally, I finished this course with a much better understanding of how I am perceived by others and what actions I need to take to become a more effective leader in the future. I highly recommend J.D.’s class to any leader who wants to improve his or her team-building and conflict-resolution skills.
We have worked with JD and his team for over ten years. During this time, he has helped us to develop our strategic path and to align our organization. We have worked in several formats, from 1:1 coaching to corporate events with 40+ key managers. It is a rare combination of a sharp analytical mind with a deep generic empathy that made JD an exceptional coach through all these years! And the results are measurable. During the last 10 years we have almost doubled the size of our company. A success to which JD contributed a lot. Conclusion: Highly recommended!
Having participated in several management development trainings over the years, I value the ones I had with Jan Dirk the most. Whether you are leading a company, or dealing with customers, suppliers or your colleagues, it is all about people and relationships. Understanding behavior, the styles, the differences and accepting these, to me this makes the difference and brings the value in the trainings offered by Jan Dirk. I followed various versions, from cross company Leadership Training, Consultative Selling, to Management Team training, the basis is understanding behavior. When I moved from one company to another, I introduced it in the new company, as I really missed the understanding of behavior and the common language we had developed. As a trainer, Jan Dirk is strong and thorough, he challenges and supports you at the same time. I had to define scope and decide what I wanted to get out of it. Jan Dirk, it is a pleasure working with you.
J.D.’s competences make him a skilled trainer in professional development able to provide value to companies and, especially, to the employees that follow his programs. He helped me to increase awareness about my behavioural points for improvement and how to make the best use of my strong points. I really enjoyed working with him and strongly recommend J.D. for his professional approach and personal involvement.
J’ai eu la chance de faire la formation « la logique humaine » avec Sophie Rodriguez en octobre 2022. Je poursuis cette expérience de la logique humaine grâce au coaching personnalisé. L’approche est vraiment intéressante. On apprend les différents styles comportementaux, ce qui nous permet de nous projeter sur nos propres équipes et sur les personnes qui nous entourent de manière générale. La logique humaine, comme elle est présentée par Sophie Rodriguez, nous donne les clés pour pouvoir interagir correctement parce que l’on apprend et l’on comprend comment communiquer. C’est une façon d’aborder les différences, qui font de nous ce que nous sommes, avec finesse et intelligence. Les ressentis sont à l’honneur et les jugements au placard ! La logique humaine est une vraie expérience en soi et j’invite tout le monde à l’appréhender. On y trouve tout un tas de choses : des solutions, des besoins, des peurs, de la bonne humeur et de la communication. Il me reste un long chemin pour réussir à gérer chaque situation comme j’aimerais mais j’ai déjà tellement appris. Pour tout ça, je remercie Sophie pour sa bienveillance, sa patience, sa bonne humeur, sa franchise et sa justesse sur la perception et la description des ressentis qu’elle a mais aussi pour son partage d’expérience sur la logique humaine.
Encontrei com a Imke Odendahl em 2020. Era o auge da pandemia. Eu trabalhava no controle de qualidade de uma empresa farmacêutica e estava enfrentando muitos desafios no trabalho. Encontrar a Imke naquele momento tão difícil me ajudou demais. Eu já não conseguia ter uma conversa tranquila com ninguém da empresa. Não tinha disposição de escutar os outros. A metodologia da Human Logic Academy que ela aplica foi o que me ajudou a enxergar as coisas de um jeito diferente. Entendi o que estava acontecendo, e assim pude lidar melhor com as pessoas. Hoje tenho mais facilidade de entender tudo o que acontece ao meu redor. Só posso agradecer a ajuda dela naquele momento tão difícil. Gratidão!
Your workshop at Xcellent Lab gave us a very valuable tool for personal and team development. The team is functioning very well, and it shows this especially during this Corona crisis, while we are working in 2 shifts and from home. They all are supportive, motivated and flexible and we feel that we can manage it together as a team! Thank you so much JD!!
Almost 3 weeks after attending JD’s Leadership Behavior class, I keep talking and thinking about it with people around me. When applied daily, the model explained and illustrated with real examples from JD’s experience or our behaviors is really efficient. Beyond the dominated subject, JD paid a lot of attention to each student, adapting his speech and methods, making sure we all got the point. Moreover JD showed himself as really human and sensitive to integrity. Thank you very much for this memorable seminar !
We have been working together with J.D. for about 3 years in Brazil. He handles an interesting and effective coaching method, which has very much supported the Brazilian team towards outstanding performance by increasing sales by 92% in 3 years’ time. Being a leader I have the additional responsibility when it comes to perceiving reactions and driving behavior changes within my team, and I am talking about every single detail beyond figures and mostly beyond sales. In that specific respect (beyond sales itself) I must point I appreciate J.D.’s coaching method the most – colleagues getting a better understanding about themselves, colleagues enhancing business environment awareness and colleagues working with much more proactive cognitive and emotional effective responses when facing new challenges and so, consequently, we have got a more holistic business vision and a more complete social versatility within the entire team. In general lines, J.D. is cooperating with me in terms of building real leaders; winners in all aspects of life! Thank you J.D. for your continuous support. Last but not the least, on behalf of the Brazilian Team we would like to thank you J.D. for joining us.
The contribution of Advance! Business Consulting and its courses to my professional development were extremely important. Due his great didactic and simplified way to teach concepts, J.D. has contributed enormously to my career as well as my personal growth. Concepts such as customer focus and understanding in personal style paved the growth of BVS Brazil. As he always say: In the end it is all about people.
J.D is a unique trainer in management and leadership skills. His style of presentation and interaction are truly unique and I have never been on a similar course as the ones he ran, ever in my career. He is able to apply theory with examples of real application within the working environment. I certainly got a lot out of his courses and I know a lot of my colleagues did too. I would recommend J.D to anyone who wanted to really change their business for the better.
I attended a multi-session leadership course that JD ran for my company over about 9 months, and can honestly say it was the single most beneficial, relevant, and practical program I have had the pleasure of participating in. Not only was the material useful and practical, JD’s style and expertise made it easy to understand and apply, as well as to actively practice in a safe and supportive environment. Most courses like this fade from your mind after days if not hours, and have little lasting impact on the attendees. He has the touch to ensure that doesn’t happen – I still refer to the materials he provided and methodologies we worked through in my daily work… I can only hope that my skill at applying them continues to grow in the future. The friends and colleagues that I attended the course with absolutely agree too.
Highly recommended! Human Logic gave me the insights and tools needed to boost my career. If you aspire to leadership, this is the course for you.
In a challenging period for the company, the Executive team of Scitex Europe decided to hire J.D. to run a training program. The program on interpersonal skills was aimed for executives and high potential managers with the objective to enhance their cross-functional cooperation. J.D. had an unprecedented capability to engage the program participants into an unreserved and ingenuous exchange. His analysis on the different individuals’ interpersonal styles was amazingly sharp. J.D.’s insightful and concrete advice on how to make those different styles work together, was instrumental in the development of an organisation of harmony and mutual respect, where a flawless cooperation between all functions and individuals was imperative in order to reach a challenging common goal (which we did). A few years later, as the CEO of Kodak Versamark Europe, I re-hired J.D. to run a training program for the company’s senior executives and I noticed that he had updated his program to correspond with the latest research on interpersonal and coaching skills: J.D. is a high-caliber professional who continuously educates himself and I can recommend him to any leader, for whom seamless teamwork in the executive and managerial levels is of importance.
I had the opportunity to work with J.D. during the integration process between Hoechst Schering AgrEvo Kft and Rhone Poulenc Agro Kft to form Aventis CropScience Kft, a subsidiary of Aventis CropScience SA in Hungary. J.D.’s profound knowledge of interpersonal skills management, creativity in conflict solving and focus on getting timely results were instrumental in forming a management team oriented to success, focused on creating a new and unique company culture, avoiding the common pitfalls of merger integration. I would recommend J.D. anytime to handle potential or existing conflict situations at management level, aiming at developing real leadership teams. Furthermore his strong skills in sales and strategic management provide an additional benefit to customers : building on management leadership to create winning strategies.

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